BC Highway Conditions & News
Border Delays
BC Road Report News
On the web since April 1 1996 and continuing to provide our clients with greater access to publicly available information. We acknowledge the work of a variety of government agencies, private companies and volunteer services who provide the BChighway road report news and BC road conditions news including Border delays and the traffic and road condition weather cameras available for our ‘News’ services. Continue to the Road Reports News Page.
More than 1 million annual visitors trust the Transportation News content that we aggregate, format and publish and return to this site throughout each year. “‘bchighway.com’ provides NEWS connections to keep you informed.
Canada USA Border Delays
There are several border crossings that connect to USA highway routes. When traveling to the United States from British Columbia there are seven Border Crossings to chose from depending on your location of entry to or departure from in BC Canada. Nexus cardholders traveling by car may use border crossings in the Lower Mainland see this page for more information on crossing the border with Nexus . Continue to USA / Canada Border Crossing Conditions BCHighway Road Report News. Border Cameras and Information for ALL BC Border Crossings Remember to download an eSIM for low cost US Data
British Columbia Travel News
Transportation for the majority of us in British Columbia begins on the highway. At some point in our daily routine we all end up as motorists or as passengers in a motor vehicle. Airports, ferry terminals, train stations are all accessed by roads. Even transit systems rely on the road and highway corridors. At bchighway.com we prioritize the BC Road Report News, Border Delays, BC Traffic and BC Weather. Use our BC Travel Guide for Air Travel News, BC airport Flight Status, BC Ferry and News and more…